Norman Whaler
is a multi-award winner from Grosse Pointe, MI, USA. With over 120 awards for his children's books, Norman focuses on positive messages, some on serious topics that children face and some that are just about fun. He is a member of SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators), Independent Authors Network, and Independent Book Publishers Association.
is his first novel (2017) and a YA/Adult Christian romance story. It is
dedicated to his late wife and love, Patricia Aybar Whaler.
In the continuation to Charles Dickens' beloved classic, 'A Christmas Carol', a troubled Tiny Tim, now grown-up, has ghosts of his own and is gently reminded what Christmas is all about.
Latest Book:
Tiny Tim and
The Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge
*Children's Edition*
(Narrated with Audio Christmas Carols - Interactive e-Book)
My Belief and Mission
"Children are the future! I believe children's books should always build honesty, respect, kindness, and compassion
for others. It all starts with us. We are the spark that lights
the fire. This is our true legacy... our contribution to a
better world yet to be --- beneath another sky."
Favorite books read as a child-
Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Peter Rabbit and
Brer Rabbit, C.S. Forester's Captain Hornblower series,
Alice In Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, and of course, Tolkien's The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Treasures all!
First book you remember reading-
"Norman the Doorman" Picture Book by Dan Freeman is about a mouse who lives in a museum. And the main character had my name! '
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Children's Book
Writers and Illustrators